Michail Daktylidis reelected PEDMEDE President (2023-2026)
Proposal for EU Soil Health Law to be presented on 5 July
The aim of the Soil Health Law proposal announced in the EU Soil Strategy for 2030 is to specify the conditions for a healthy soil, determine options for monitoring soil and lay out rules conducive to sustainable soil use and restoration.
The proposal could also contain an EU-wide definition of “no net land take” and other provisions that could have an impact on construction activities in the EU.
Council concerned about Nature Restoration Law’s impact on society
EU countries are also concerned about the “non-deterioration principle” and its implementation beyond Natura 2000 protected areas.
The Member States are aiming at finding an agreement on 20 June. In the European Parliament, the vote (expected to be tight) is scheduled for 15 June.
Heat at work – guidance for workplaces
EU Parliament adopts its position on Due Diligence Directive
“Making Skills Count” EU Conference – 8 and 9 June
On 8 and 9 June, the European Commission organised the “Making Skills Count” Conference in the context of the European Year of Skills.
This event gathered experts and key stakeholders from EU and international organisations, NGOs, companies, and social partners, and addressed numerous skill-related issues and initiatives. Among them the “Skills-first” approach that focuses on skills rather than formal qualifications or job titles, and the need for new skills for the green and digital transitions.
As these transitions transform many sectors, million of jobs have to be adjusted. It should be done with a positive message for workers who need to see these changes as an opportunity to acquire new skills. It is the case for the construction sector where green skills are more and more sought-after. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee an access to quality training, to develop apprenticeship for adults, and to attract young people.
In his opening speech, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, insisted on the importance of upskilling and reskilling. He also highlighted that Social Dialogue is key to the twin transition.