Affordable Housing: FIEC’s debate with the EIB and the European Commission

On 5 December, in the framework of the FIEC General Assembly, FIEC members had the opportunity to debate on the forthcoming EU Affordable Housing Plan with Luciana Tomozei-Schwandt (European Investment Bank, EIB) and Pau Garcia Audi (European Commission, DG ENER).

In her intervention, Ms. Tomozei-Schwandt highlighted the manyfold impact that the EIB can have on innovation, affordability and sustainability in housing construction and renovation. On his side, Mr. Garcia Audi pointed out that, one of the top priorities of the new European Commission is to reduce administrative burden for companies, which can have a significant impact on the streamlining of housing production and maintenance. FIEC President, Piero Petrucco, called for a coordinated response to the housing crisis. In particular, he stressed that more consideration should be given to the option of reviewing EU rules, funds and policies, that have an effect on national housing markets, with the aim of promoting simplification, streamlined processes, fair competition and economic growth.

In the key messages presented at this occasion, FIEC Director Social Affairs, Christine Le Forestier, insisted on the importance of a “housing-friendly” implementation of the EU Green Deal, as well as the necessary support to the digitalisation of the construction sector to improve its productivity and attractivity. The very tight financial prudential rules affecting both businesses and households in their capacity to invest in housing was another topic very much discussed by FIEC members during the debate.


FIEC President meets MEP Irene Tinagli at the European Parliament

While in the European Parliament discussions for the setting up of a “Special Committee on Housing” are progressing, FIEC President, Piero Petrucco, met with MEP Irene Tinagli (IT-S&D).

The discussions focused on the actions and priorities that will have to be put in place, in order to achieve an efficient “Affordable Housing” strategy.

Financing instruments, increased productivity, innovation, elimination of administrative obstacles are some of the priorities that will have to be tackled with a set of appropriate and coherent measures.

FIEC will provide all its expertise and support to the European Parliament for this crucial priority.



FIEC and EFBWW joint ‘Boards Meeting’

On 4 December, FIEC and EFBWW (European Federation of Builders and Wood Workers), the European social partners for construction, held a joint meeting of their respective boards. The meeting, which was moderated by FIEC Vice-President for Social Affairs, Christophe Maes (BE-Embuild), was the occasion to exchange on key issues for both our Federations.

The discussion mainly focused on Social ID cards in construction, the upcoming revision of the Public Procurement legislative framework, subcontracting in construction and labour and skills shortages. FIEC and EFBWW also reaffirmed the importance of a strong sectoral social dialogue.

The meeting was followed by an open discussion with Maria Luisa Llano Cardenal, the new Head of Unit “Social Dialogue” of the European Commission (DG EMPL).

FIEC and EFBWW have also agreed to send a joint-letter to the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President, Roxana Mînzatu, to highlight their main priorities and requests for the new European Commission.



FIEC President intervenes at Euroconstruct, Milan

On 3 December, FIEC President, Piero Petrucco, participated in the 98th edition of the EUROCONSTRUCT Conference, in Milan: “Forecast for the European Construction Market“.

In his intervention he shared FIEC’s views and insights on :

– The lack of transparency and publicity for smaller public tenders, aggravated by the direct award of tenders, in-house awarding of contracts to companies in which public bodies hold shares or subsidiaries;
– An invreasing and often unfair competition from third-country companies. A regulation on a specific Trade Defence Instrument (TDI) for construction services is needed.

“Public Procurement, a fundamental lever for our industry and the European economy, represents approximately 14% of EU GDP. This figure tells much about the strategic relevance of this instrument for the economic and social development of the bloc. It is key to understand its crucial assets in promoting innovative technologies and digitalisation tools, in playing a catalytic role and rewarding the most cutting-edge projects“, stated Piero Petrucco during the conference.

An independent, peer-organised construction forecasting network. Its mission is to provide reliable, up-to-date forecasts on European construction markets.



FIEC Annual Report 2024 is out

We are pleased to inform that our Annual Report 2024 is now available online and ready to be disseminated.

Click here → to access the ANNUAL REPORT launched under the new slogan: “A competitive and sustainable construction industry: Our mission”.

The Annual Report covers the activities undertaken during the last 12 months and presents key selected topics and initiatives, a timeline displaying the main events, milestones and achievements, some videos and factsheets for the Download Centre.

In this edition you will also find a new Photo Gallery with some pictures of our key moments over the year, offering a short selection of photos related to our initiatives and projects and a Foreword by our new President, Piero Petrucco, in the format of a video-message.

A short video-teaser promoting this new publication is available on YouTube via this link.

Enjoy your reading.