




Silica : new European Guidance for Labour Inspectors

The EU Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC) together with the Dutch ministry of Labour (labour inspection) have published guidance for National Labour Inspectors on addressing risks to workers from exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) on construction sites. The guide provides national labour inspectors with background information on RCS, health risks, the regulatory framework and control measures and a number of RCS task sheets presenting examples of best practice. Possible actions are recommended where a potential high, medium or low RCS health risk may be encountered depending on the extent and level of controls implemented by the employer at the time of inspection.










FIEC Vice President to speak at GeoBIM

“Is BIM for infrastructure lagging behind BIM for buildings in Europe?”  This question will be answered by Kjetil Tonning, Vice President of FIEC and Chairman of FIEC’s Working Group on BIM, during the first plenary session of the above conference, on Thursday this week. Mr Tonning will talk about the current state of play in Europe and about FIEC’s current discussions regarding the synergy between EU policy and BIM. FIEC has a small number of discount passes for anyone from our Member Federations who is interested in attending the conference, which will be held in Amsterdam.  Contact FIEC secretariat for details.



New Presidents elected

European level – Bulgarian FIEC Member Federation
On the occasion of its General Assembly held in Sofia on 18th November 2016, our Bulgarian member federation BCC elected Nikolay STANKOV, MSc. Eng. as President of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber.




World level – CICA


The CICA Board elected yesterday in Paris the Chilean Jorge MAS as President of the Contractors World organisation.  He will succeed (handover 16/1/2017) the Turkish contractors Emre AYKAR who is the FIEC Vice-President representing CICA at European level.  Jorge MAS is from the Latin-American Federation of Constractors’ Association FIIC.