BUNG – Developing nearly zero energy building skills through game-based learning
Identification of the project: 2020-1-FR01-KA202-079997
Duration: 01/10/2020 – 30/11/2022 (24 months)
Budget: 262.450€.
Project Coordinator: France: Petra Patrimonia Corsica – Coopérative pour le Développement de l’emploi dans les métiers du patrimoine
Project Partners & Countries involved:
5 EU Countries through the involvement of 7 National Sectoral Social & Education partners. In particular:
- Germany: BILDUNGSZENTREN DES BAUGEWERBES EV – Vocational training center devoted to construction sector / TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE KOLN – University of Applied Sciences
- Italy: SCUOLA COSTRUZIONI VICENZA ANDREA PALLADIO – Vocational training center devoted to construction sector
- Greece: PEDMEDE – Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works, Employer’s Organization / Social Mind – NGO committed to promote environmentally sustainable societies
- Slovenia: CCIS– Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Scope and Objectives:
Buildings are the single largest energy consumer in Europe, as they are responsible for approximately 40% of EU energy consumption and 36% of the CO2 emissions. At the same time, the existing buildings stock energy potential is extremely high, considering that at present, about 35% of the EU’s buildings are over 50 years old and almost 75% of the building stock is energy inefficient.
To this end, energy performance of buildings is in the center of policies established by the EU, targeting on the EU’s energy consumption reduction, with the most significant example to be the recently launched EU Green Deal.
In this context, the BUNG project aims at delivering knowledge, developing zero energy building skills and encouraging energy efficient behavior amongst building occupants through the development of an nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) learning game (BUNG game) that maximizes the learning effect of individuals, as well by introducing innovative pedagogies and learning approaches.
Project Results
The BUNG project foresees to meet the following results and outputs:
- The development of a Best Practice and Competence Framework Analysis for nZEB Skills that will gather experience on relevant best practices and on nZEB skills needs.
- The BUNG learning game development based on a curriculum designed through game scenarios analyzed in learning outcomes and ensuring compatibility with EQF and ECVET.
- The BUNG game technical setting, integrating the game application, which will facilitate vocational learning and training processes in the building industry and increase learner’s motivation towards training, though innovative pedagogical methodologies, and digital tools
- The BUNG game Didactic Handbook oriented to VET educators interested in using digital games in their nZEB lessons
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