Project: Building Matters: Mitigating climate change transition risks of the construction sector through building capacity in sustainable building materials
Identification of the project: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000087938
Duration: 10- 09/2024 (24 mon.)
Budget: 250,000 €
Project Coordinator: Federatia Generala a Sindicatelor Familia, Romania
Project Partners:
6 EU Countries through the involvement of 6 National Sectoral Social & Education partners. In particular:
Greece: PEDMEDE, Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works, &
PEDMEDE ECO, Collective E.C.D.W. Management System
Slovenia: Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije – Slovenian Chamber of Commerce)
The Republic of North Macedonia: Knowledge and Skills management center K&S Skopje
Germany: Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes – Vocational training center devoted to construction sector
Italy: Istituto Pel l’Istruzione Professionale dei Lavoratori edili della provinvia di Bologna
Scope and Objectives:
The aim of the project is to support awareness raising of key stakeholders in sustainable pathways for mitigating climate change transition risks of the building sector. The project anticipates developing green sectoral skills and competencies in the area of sustainable building materials, by introducing future-oriented and innovative curricula and learning practices tailored to the needs of learners, enabling sustainable behavioral changes in line with the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Project Results:
The project foresees meeting the following results and outputs:
- The Development of Sustainable Building Materials Awareness and Competence Package that will be liable for the exploitation of sustainable approaches for building materials and the creation of an Inventory of Sustainable Building Materials
- The Development of a transnational capacity-building program, aiming to provide flexible digital-based opportunities with up-to-date knowledge and advanced aspects of sustainable materials
- Implementation of the pilots training program for training ambassadors in VET and Construction sectors
- Organization of raising awareness events on carbon, energy, and ecological footprint of building materials in order to mobilize the construction industry to sustainable solutions