LET’S CAMPAIGN – Exchange of Good Practices for the promotion of VET (2020-2022)
Identification of the project: 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008374
Duration: 1 October 2020 – 30 September 2022 (24 months)
Budget: 128.020,00 €
Website : https://www.scuolacostruzionivicenza.it/progetto-lets-campaign/
Project Coordinator: Italy : SCUOLA COSTRUZIONI VICENZA ANDREA PALLADIO – (Vocational training center / construction sector)
Project Partners & Countries involved:
7 EU Countries through the involvement of 10 National & Private partners. In particular:
- Austria: Club Life Long Learning ( CLLL- NGO for long-life learning)
- Belgium: CENTRE IFAPME LIEGE HUY VERVIERS ASBL– (Vocational Training Center)
- Germany:– TALENTBRÜCKE GmbH & Co. (private company active in the field of vocational guidance) / Lux Impuls GmbH (private company in the field of human resources management)/ WESTDEUTSCHER HANDWERKSKAMMERTAG (WHKT – West German Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades’ Council)
- Greece: PEDMEDE – Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works, Employer’s Organization
- Lithuania: Profesinio mokymo centras Zirmunai (Vocational Training Center)
- Slovenia: Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia (CCIS CCBMIS)
- Spain: FUNDACION LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCION (Labour Foundation for Construction) / International Formation Center S.L. (Vocational Training Center)
Scope and Objectives:
The objective of the project is to organize some international meetings with the aim to collect and exchange experiences and good practices on implementation effective campaigns for
promotion of VET and making it more appealing to young people aged 13-26 between the partners and connected stakeholders. Member of this Consortium are vocational institutions
providing vocational education and training for young people, based in 5 different countries (Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania), a consulting company in the field of human
resources management, an association of engineers (Greece), a Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry (Slovenia) and an NGO working with VET institutes
The purpose of the project is to stimulate the dialogue and the exchange of innovative ideas to understand how to tackle the lack of interest and attractiveness of the VET to those
young people that are either planning on quitting school or are not neither in employment nor in education and training.
Through the exchange of good examples and win-win experiences the purpose is to create a manual/guidelines to be used as an inspiration tool for other VET institutions aiming at increasing the enrolment of pupils. However, the activities will be done with a combined effort and in cooperation with stakeholders and especially employer organizations and their full support.
Expected outcomes
The project intends to reach the following set of results:
Short term:
– Specific activities aiming at recruiting pupils are implemented. The consortium is expected to exchange ideas and innovative practices through which VET sectors and their potentialities will be introduced to students, so that it will boost the reputation and image of VET in the eyes of young people and their families. In the short term, youths will have the chance to get familiar with the job market analysis and choose the VET of their interest, so they can allocate their effort more efficiently and at the same time respond to the job market demand.
– The realization of the campaign “Let’s go VET” to be held in each partner country as a starting point for further exchanges and inputs and promote VET in all its forms. The campaign will be tailored and suited to individual needs of partner countries and will be based on previous research and identification of VET related issues.
– Increased number of activities of school guidance, counselling and workshops to illustrate VET opportunities in different sectors. The planned activities will also result in enabling the interested young people to obtain answers to their questions and all the relevant information, as well as get support, guidance and counselling from professionals.
– Increased knowledge related to the VET systems in different countries: how VET collaborates with enterprises, SMEs, municipalities; what initiatives exist to increase gender balance and attract women to VET sectors that assumed as masculine in society and vice versa – attract men to “feminine” sectors; reflection on sustainable/eco-friendly approaches to adopt in the building sector.
– Realisation of a manual gathering recommendations, new methods and approaches risen from meetings, the guideline’s purpose being to outline a strategy for VET institution to attract students.
Long Term:
– Increased number of pupils enrolled in VET, and therefore, decreased skill mismatches as well as shortage of qualified labor force on the job market.
– Raised awareness of schools, students and their families of the contents of VET, its career opportunities and its promising future opportunities (in terms of mobility, wealth and social reputation).
– Increased productivity and competitiveness of VET sectors.
– Improved job opportunities for youth and decreased youth unemployment.
– Enhanced cross border dimension of training and work, namely through cooperation between Partner-Country institutions in the field of VET.

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