The Green Circle Project, in which PEDMEDE participates, aims to identify, develop, test and assess the use of micro-credentials in the construction sector to achieve a green transition, while demonstrating the potential for mainstreaming and transfer to other sectors.
At the european level, micro-credentials are defined as evidence of learning outcomes, that someone has achieved after the completion of a short-term educational process.
In addressing its aim, the Green Circle Project does not simply offer a collection of learning resources. The work carried out shows how a rigorous description of job profiles, learning needs, learning opportunities, and the relationships between them can, with appropriate technological support, facilitate the emergence of an ecosystem based on micro-credentials, and linking skills providers, employees, potential entrants to the workforce, and employers.
The projects objectives are:
- To promote the use of microcredentials ecosystem for green skills in the construction industry.
- To develop a sustainable model for Green Skills micro-credentialing in the construction sector.
- Develop a technology and quality assurance model to support an ecosystem.
- To pilot the ecosystem and the micro-credentials it facilitates, within construction occupations related to the green transition.
- To maximise the impact of the project through a series of face to face and online dissemination activities.
The outcome of the workwill be a sustainable model for micro-credentials in green transition skills in the construction sector, which can support the growth of a micro-credential based ecosystem in construction and across the economy.
A total of 11 partners from 4 EU countries are involved in the “Green Circle” project (Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain).
The first Newsletter of the Programm is available here