Czech EU Council Presidency tables new compromise proposal on recast EPBD

In a compromise proposal tabled on 13th July the Czech EU Council Presidency proposes to establish a new methodology for defining minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for buildings in the context of the recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) proposal.

According to this new methodology, Member States would be required to set minimum standards that ensure that non-residential buildings do not exceed certain energy performance thresholds expressed as a numeric indicator of primary energy consumption in kWh per m2 per year (kwh/m2.y). These energy performance thresholds would be established on the basis of the non-residential building stock at the time of entry into force of the recast EPBD.

A first threshold would be set so that 15% of the national building stock would be above this threshold (this would correspond to the least energy efficient buildings). A second threshold would be set so that 25% of the national building stock is above this threshold. Member States should then ensure that all non-residential buildings are below the 15% threshold from 2030 and below the 25% threshold from 2034. For residential buildings, EU countries would be required to set MEPS for multi-apartment buildings with more than ten building units.

The compromise proposal also contains a new article on a EU solar mandate for buildings to bring the recast EPBD in line with the REPowerEU plans of the European Commission that were published in May.

The Czech Presidency aims at reaching an agreement on the recast EPBD in the Council by the end of the year. On the side of the European Parliament, the meetings of the rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs (the shadows meetings) started before the summer break. More than 1,500 amendments to the Commission proposal have been tabled by MEPs so far.

Construction Products Regulation: Updated document of the IMCO committee sheds new light on timetable

According to a document of the secretariat of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) in the European Parliament updated in July, a public hearing in the committee on the proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) will be organised on 10th October.
The consideration of the draft report of MEP Christian Doleschal (EPP) is foreseen for the end of November and the deadline for amendments is scheduled for 6th December. Amendments and compromise amendments are planned to be considered in January and February and a vote in the IMCO committee is foreseen for March 2023.



Construction firms slow to embrace digital marketing

The “Construction Europe” magazine has reported that a survey found that 44% of construction industry professionals believe their businesses do not have the required skills to implement an effective digital marketing strategy. This figure is significantly higher than that of manufacturing businesses.

Among the barriers to the uptake of digital marketing that have been identified are lack of time required to properly oversee digital marketing activity and budget. 17% of respondents said the latter was the biggest obstacle for relevant departments in their businesses.



Launch of new EU-funded project TANSIRC 2

The European social partners of the construction industry (FIEC and EFBWW) together with the European Association for Paritarian Institutions (AEIP), the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) and the Bulgarian Construction, Industry and Water supply Federation (FCIW-Podkrepa) have started a new EU-funded project called TANSIRC 2 (“TOWARDS A NEW START OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION IN CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES”).

Project partners aim at creating a stronger added value for the social dialogue in construction industry in the Central and Eastern European Countries and to build up the capacity of the trade unions and the employers federations to enter in negotiation within a system of industrial relations.



BIM-SPEED workshop on privacy issues

The partners of the EU funded project BIM-SPEED are organising a free workshop on the best digital practices for professionals in the architecture, engineering and construction sectors.

The speakers will discuss topics such privacy, GDPR, Artificial Intelligence, EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) and other critical issues of the digitalisation of the construction industry.

The agenda and the registration form are available here.

Embuild: New name & logo for our Belgian member!

On 1st September 2022 our Belgian member launched its new name: Embuild – The Belgian Construction  Association.
One of the aims of this change is to show the adaptation of the association to the changing scope and structure of the construction sector.
Check out this video which nicely illustrates the new name embracing the challenges ahead.

Don’t miss the next Construction 2050 Alliance event on 18th October!
More information and registration available soon.