Construction Technology Summit
KHL, which publishes Construction Europe, is organising the Construction Technology Summit on 11 May. The virtual event will be moderated by Alex Taylor and features a number of speakers. The theme is “From Machine Control to Robotics”. FIEC, which has had a monthly column in Construction Europe for many years, will be a supporting sponsor. The programme and registration link can be found below.
7-8 May – EU Social Summit in Porto
On 8 May in Porto, the Portuguese Presidency will host the EU Social Summit, which aims to reinforce the commitment from Member States, European institutions, social partners and civil society to the implementation of the Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights.On this occasion, European leaders of the Member States are expected to adopt a declaration, supporting this Action Plan to the letter. Amongst other aspects, the draft declaration reaffirms the role of the social partners in a “highly competitive social market economy”, but also the importance of developing quality jobs and helping workers to acquire new skills in connection with the green and digital transition.
Another statement is being prepared for the first day of the Social Summit (7 May), which will consist of a High-Level Conference involving the social partners and civil society.
BIM-Speed “Train the Trainer” workshops
As an action of the EU funded BIM-Speed project, FIEC co-organised three workshops with other partners, to present the BIM-Speed collaborative platform and a variety of tools designed to facilitate Building Information Modelling (BIM) application in building renovation projects.During three sessions the tool developers covered various topics including the BIM-Speed platform, user involvement tools for existing building data acquisition and the methodology used in BIM-to-BEM (Building Energy Model) simulations.
The workshops were a great opportunity to have early access to the project training material, learn firsthand from the developers on how their tools could be applied and ask questions.