Construction Products: Parliament considers amendments
The Commission insisted on the fact that the direct installation of construction products and 3D printing should be included in the Regulation’s scope.
Rapporteur Christian Doleschal said that the intentions of the Commission to close every potential regulatory loophole are commendable – including the direct installation – would create too many other issues and would disproportionately affect construction companies.
The IMCO is set to vote on its position at the end of March.
EU Sustainable Energy Week 2023: eye on deadlines
- Lead topical discussions with a policy session, apply by 8 February
- Gain recognition with the EUSEW Awards, apply by 9 February
- Showcase your initiative at the Energy Fair, apply by 2 March
- Spark local clean energy events with Sustainable Energy Days: applications open on 14 February – the events take place from March to June 2023
FIEC reacts to launch of ‘alternative taxonomy’
FIEC firmly believes in the future ability of the ‘official’ Taxonomy to help companies become climate-friendly and to help investors direct investments towards sustainable projects and economic activities.
As far as the ‘alternative taxonomy’ is concerned, FIEC is of the opinion that it will have to prove its robustness and credibility in comparison to the EU taxonomy
First €3 billion of MFA+ package given to Ukraine
On 17 January 2023, the European Commission disbursed a first instalment of €3 billion of the up to €18 billion Macro-financial Assistance+ package for Ukraine. This follows the swift adoption and entry into force of the MFA+ Regulation mid-December 2022.This instrument will allow Ukraine to maintain essential public services running, ensure macroeconomic stability and restore critical infrastructure destroyed by Russia in its war of aggression, such as energy infrastructure, water systems, transport networks, roads and bridges.
Future payments to Ukraine, under the MFA+ instrument of €1.5 billion per month, will continue as of March and will depend on satisfying the agreed conditionality and reporting requirements.
Commission launches consultation on the revision of the Late Payment Directive
On the basis of this consultation the European Commission will table proposals for a revision of the Late Payments Directive.
Construction Blueprint – Final dissemination event
FIEC, EBC (European Builders Confederation) and EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Wood Workers) are organising the final event of the Construction Blueprint for Skills project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
Three roundtables dedicated to skills for Digitalisation, Energy Efficiency and Circular Economy will present and discuss the main outcomes of the project. In addition, a specific session will be dedicated to the Pact for Skills in Construction.
The event will take place on Wednesday 22 February 2023, from 09.30 to 13.00 (CET), in Brussels and online. Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.
Registration is available: