Farewell to Ulrich Paetzold
It is with great sadness that FIEC informs you that Ulrich Paetzold, former FIEC Director General (from May 1993 to June 2019), passed away on Saturday 20 April 2024. At the head of the FIEC team in Brussels, he has devoted himself to defending the interests of the construction sector and our members at European level.
We will miss him and remember him as the active and lively defender of the European idea and loyal supporter of FIEC that he has been throughout the years.
All our thoughts are with his wife and family at this time of great sadness.
FIEC presents its Manifesto for the EU Elections at the European Parliament
On 17 April at the European Parliament, FIEC President Philip Crampton, together with Frank Kehlenbach, Director at EIC (European International Contractors), presented the joint Manifesto for Action – EU Term 2024-2029.The event gathered about 70 participants and was addressed to the EU candidates, the Members of the European Parliament, the EU institutions, companies, business associations and national representatives.
In his keynote speech, Hein Bollens, Deputy Head of Unit of the Construction Unit at the European Commission, focused on the strong business case for construction in the EU, in particular in relation to renovation and new construction, the financial support provided by the Recovery and Resilience Facility through Member States, and the allocation of significant amounts for specific projects under the Horizon Europe programmes.
Tim McPhie, European Commission’s Spokesman for Climate Action and Energy. focused on the achievements reached by the current political mandate in the area of the EU Green Deal, as well as on the future perspectives of this very important European Commission’s flagship.
The FIEC-EIC Manifesto, entitled “Building a resilient and sustainable Europe together“, is available in 10 languages and contains 10 key messages:
(1) Ensuring an adequate framework for public procurement
(2) Price adjustment mechanisms
(3) Investing in infrastructure for competitiveness, safety and the environment
(4) Construction at the heart of the transition to a sustainable society
(5) Ensuring an adequate implementation of the EU Taxonomy of Sustainable Activities
(6) Building the climate resilient cities of tomorrow
(7) Tackling labour shortages and skills gaps
(8) Ensuring fair working conditions
(9) Strengthening a culture of prevention for a healthy and safe working environment
(10) Creating a level playing field for European international contractors
The conference was hosted at the European Parliament thanks to the Partnership Agreement signed between the European Parliament and FIEC, who became partner of the “EP Together EU” initiative and the “Use your Vote” communication campaign for the European Elections.
FIEC and Ukrainian member CBU speak at World Circular Economy Forum
On 17 April, FIEC President, Philip Crampton, and Executive Director of FIEC’s Ukrainian member association CBU (Confederation of Builders of Ukraine), Oleksandr Chervak, spoke at a panel discussion on “Ukraine’s Circular Reconstruction” at the World Circular Economy Forum in Brussels.FIEC highlighted the need for EU and Ukrainian authorities to raise awareness of the benefits of the circular economy for the environment and local labour markets, and to encourage local authorities to work with (foreign and local) contractors to reuse and recycle construction and demolition waste.
It also stressed the need to assess the total volume of debris and to gain a good understanding of the nature and extent of the debris, and to ensure the safety of structures prior to debris removal, including adequate supervision to protect the health and safety of workers.
FIEC welcomes decision to postpone sectoral reporting standards
On 10 April, the European Parliament adopted an inter-institutional agreement on a new EU Directive postponing by 2 years the adoption of sectoral sustainability reporting standards under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
FIEC members regularly confirm that reporting requirements for construction companies have increased significantly in recent years.
While FIEC supports increased accountability of companies for their sustainability performance, it welcomes the support of the European Parliament to postpone the adoption of these standards for 2 years.
Visit of FIEC’s Swedish Member Federation
On 9 April, a delegation from our Swedish member federation, Byggföretagen, came to Brussels to meet with EU institutions and policy makers.
This was also the occasion for a meeting with the FIEC team. Discussions focused on the Manifesto for the forthcoming EU Elections, the main messages from the construction industry to the candidates, and the EU’s Nature Restoration Law.
These regular contacts and exchanges with our member federations are essential in identifying priorities and understanding specific needs.
Feedback opportunity for “Horizon Europe 2025”
The feedback opportunity is open for 3 weeks and will close on 6 May 2024 (midday, CET).The 2025 Work Programme will implement the key strategic orientations set out in the Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027.
La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of Social Europe
On 16 April, the EU institutions, the Social Partners, and civil society signed the “La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of Social Europe” to prepare the future social agenda of the 2024-2029 period. The Declaration is the outcome of a 2-day Conference on the European Pillar of Social rights and its future implementation.The Declaration recalls the importance of social reforms and investments, of promoting a mindset of lifelong learning and attracting more young people to tackle labour and skills shortages, and to enhance EU competitiveness. This also stresses the need to reskill and upskill workers in the context of the green and digital transitions. The report mentions the importance of a better social security coordination, with more cooperation among Member States.
Moreover, signatories call for a reinforcement of the European sectoral social dialogue.
European Commission endorses “Ukraine Plan”
On 15 April, the European Commission approved the “Ukraine Plan” allocating up to € 50 billion to the country. It will help maintain administration, pay salaries, provide public services, and aid recovery while defending against Russian aggression. Payments depend on implementing agreed reforms and maintaining democratic mechanisms.
The “Ukraine Plan” includes 69 reforms and 10 investments, targeting economic growth, recovery, and modernisation. Reforms cover areas such as energy, the green and digital transition, and governance. Investments align with the EU acquis, enhancing public administration, finance management, anti-money laundering, public procurement, etc.
The Commission’s positive assessment enables regular payments, demonstrating Europe’s commitment to stand with Ukraine.