Sweden takes over rotating EU Council Presidency
On 1st January, Sweden took over the rotating Presidency of the EU Council from Czechia for the next six months.According to its Presidency programme, the country will prioritise technical issues – such as the Construction Products Regulation – and the green and energy transitions, especially the “Fit for 55” package.
“The Swedish Presidency will prioritise work on the interconnected negotiations on the new Ecodesign Regulation and Construction Products Regulation, both of which aim to ensure an efficient and effective internal market that contributes to a circular economy with reduced environmental and climate impacts”, the programme reads.
In the area of transport, the Presidency intends to advance the TEN-T negotiations and, if necessary, take forward the work on revising the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive, according to the programme.
The programme also covers matters related to the ongoing war in Ukraine. “Ukraine needs extensive economic support from the EU in both the short and the long term”, recognizes the Presidency. Short term measures include liquidity support while in the long term the focus will be on the reconstruction of Ukraine.
Intra-EU labour mobility after the pandemic
In December 2022, the European Commission published its latest Eurobarometer survey on intra-EU labour mobility after the pandemic. This Special Eurobarometer provides data on Europeans’ attitude on labour mobility, where they go and what motivates them. It also aims at explaining what hinders Europeans go abroad and how they go about finding a job in another Member State.Amongst some of the findings:
- The proportion of EU-citizens who envisage to be mobile is quite stable over time: 18% in 2022, compared to 17% in 2009. Mobility intentions are also more even across the EU, suggesting progress in EU cohesion. While in 2009 between 4% of respondents in Italy and 51% in Denmark expressed mobility intentions, in 2022 they were between 11% in Italy and 39% in Finland.
- Labour mobility is a less divisive issue nowadays. A large majority across the EU (58%) supports labour mobility and believes it has positive effects. Only 12% think that cross-border mobility might be bad for individuals, the labour market or European integration. In particular, the effects of cross-border mobility on the labour market are seen as much less negative in 2022 than in 2009: while in 2009 21% saw mobility as bad for the labour market it was only 12% in 2022. There are homogenous positive views on labour mobility across socio-economic categories, age, or educational background, with slightly more positive views among men, the young, those more educated or in better material and labour market position.
- The positive connotation of mobility is supported by those who made the experience themselves: 40% see their skills and qualifications improved from the experience and more than 50% consider it an important experience with effects beyond professional life.
- The main channels for organising intra-EU labour mobility are personal contacts (51%) and online tools/online social media (50%). EURES remains relatively unknown by the larger public and public as well as private employment services (both 19%) are less frequently identified to find a job abroad.
Consultation on the EU R&I Framework Programmes open until 23rd February
The European Commission invites interested stakeholders to participate in its public consultation on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation (R&I) Framework Programmes over the period 2014-2027 and potentially beyond.This public consultation, open until 23rd February, allows stakeholders to point out the achievements and shortcomings of the previous EU R&I programme Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), to express views on the ongoing Horizon Europe (2021-2027) design and implementation up until now, and to identify future priorities for Horizon Europe’s Strategic Plan 2025-2027.
It will contribute to Horizon 2020’s final evaluation, Horizon Europe’s interim evaluation and lay the groundwork for the preparations of the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027.
The online consultation can be accessed at the link below.
Timmermans in Kyiv to discuss green reconstruction plans and renewable energy
The focus was on the state of play in Ukraine and the immediate needs on the ground in light of Russia’s intensified attacks against critical infrastructure. The particular concrete support to the energy sector and energy supply, as well as the government’s plan for Ukraine’s reconstruction, were also discussed.
Season’s Greetings
Dear Reader,
The end of the year is just around the corner and we would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you for partnering with and following us over 2022.
The FIEC Team is ready for new challenges and wishes you all enjoyable and festive moments to celebrate Christmas and the coming New Year.
Our Newsletter will be back on Tuesday 10th January.
The FIEC Team