FIEC discusses data policy in Rome

Ownership of data, open “future proofed” standards that can adapt to rapidly evolving technology, legal liabilities and the choice of the data storage location are all critical to the way data is shared in digital construction. FIEC’s Construction 4.0 Working Group met in Rome last week, at the premises of its Italian national member federation ANCE.  The main focus of the meeting was FIEC’s emerging position paper on Legal Aspects of BIM and Data Policy.  This is the latest in a series of policy papers on BIM and digital construction. The document is expected to be published in the coming weeks, with a view to explaining the “data and legal challenges” to EU policy makers on the one hand while supporting national efforts to tackle this complex area on the other.

Agreement on the European Labour Authority

Following very speedy negotiations the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the Commission’s proposal to establish a European Labour Authority (ELA).
The agreement will be submitted to the Council’s Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) for approval. Once the Member States’ Permanent Representatives confirm the agreement, it will be subject to a final vote in the plenary of the European Parliament.



The EU reinforces the screening of FDIs

On 14th February, the European Parliament endorsed a political agreement to create the first EU-wide framework for screening of foreign direct investments (FDIs). This new tool is not about harmonising the existing national screening mechanisms or withdrawing Member States’ sovereignity in approving investment operations. It will allow Member States and the European Commission to cooperate and exchange information on investments from third countries that may affect security or public order in the European Union.
In particular, investments from countries like China or Russia into critical assets like infrastructure (transport, energy, digital) or high-level technologies (robotics, artificial intelligence) are on the radar.
The EU’s goal is to find the right balance between attracting FDIs (amounting to €6.3 billion in 2017, far beyond the US with €2.2 billion) and defending its key assets.
The Council is also expected to endorse this political agreement on 5th March.