Construction machinery stays out of Clean Vehicles Directive
European Parliament briefing on the next Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) has released a new briefing on the next CEF. It contains interesting key figures. It recalls that in 2011, the European Commission already highlighted likely investment needs amounting to 970 billion EUR, for trans-European networks. It states that CEF has already proved its capacity to contribute effectively to EU transport policy objectives. Completing the TEN-T core network by 2030 would generate 7.5 million jobs and an additional GDP increase of 1.6% by 2030.
All of these elements demonstrate the urgent need to invest in transport infrastructure, whereas the proposed budget for the next CEF shows a decrease of 8% in the general envelope, counterbalanced by a new envelope dedicated to military mobility.
Diesel exhausts included in the “Carcinogens” Directive
Despite this transition period, the decision to include diesel exhausts within the scope of the Directive will have an impact on the construction industry, as alternatives (for ex. electric machines) do not exist for certain types of activities and as installation of filters or other devices can be extremely expensive and often do not provide adequate protection.
FIEC is currently collecting information and data, in order to quantify the potential impact in the various Member States.
subject to a vote by the plenary of the European Parliament.