European Commission recommends new intermediate emissions reduction target of 90% for 2040
The Communication opens a political debate on the choices for European citizens and governments on the way forward. This will inform the next European Commission, which will take office after the 2024 European elections.
The next Commission will make the legislative proposal to include the 2040 target in the European Climate Law and will ensure that the appropriate post-2030 policy framework is in place to deliver the 2040 target in a fair and cost-efficient manner.
“Climate change already affects the construction, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, banking and insurance sectors through reduced productivity, losses from floods, water scarcity and droughts“, reads the impact assessment.
According to the Commission, with a -90% target for 2040, the main driver for investment in construction will consist in the renovation of existing assets with the view to improve overall energy efficiency via insulation. Investment in new construction is projected to be relatively small.
Call for commitments for the Construction Transition Pathway
The concerned stakeholders can do so by filling in the short survey form at this link.
It is the intention of DG GROW to highlight a selection of the most significant pledges for new action (or updates to previously announced action) that align with the transition pathway and that have been submitted during the forthcoming 4th annual plenary meeting of the High Level Construction Forum (HLCF) that will take place on 24 April.
20th ECTP anniversary : 5-6 March, Brussels
FIEC is a member of ECTP, the European Construction built environment and energy efficient Building Technology Platform.
The 10th ECTP Conference will take place on 5-6 March 2024 at the Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie in Brussels.
The event will celebrate the 20th anniversary of ECTP, under the motto “ECTP @ 20. Two decades shaping a smart and green built environment“.
Stakeholders from innovation in the whole construction value-chain will share their experience and representatives of the European Commission will present the latest sectoral policy developments. The guest speakers will outline how the EU Construction Industry is at the heart of the green and digital transitions of the Built Environment.
All information, full event (preliminary) programme and logistics details are available on the ECTP conference website at this link.
Registration link:
INTERMAT, 24-27 April 2024 : FIEC Director General’s Verbatim
“INTERMAT is a great opportunity for construction companies to learn about how machineries and equipment manufacturers are integrating new technologies and new requirements into their products. Looking ahead at the next edition, FIEC expects the event to provide ideas and answers on how to implement and accelerate their compliance with the environmental, digital and overall sustainability requirements […]” said Domenico Campogrande.
Click on “Download Press Kit” (via the below tab) to read the full verbatim on the event together with other endorsement of participating organisations.
FIEC participates in the high-level conference on Mental Health and Work
The European Commission announced, as mentioned in its Communication of last June, that it will soon launch a peer review of existing national legislation in the area of mental health.On the first day of the Conference, the European social partners of the construction industry, FIEC and EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Woodworkers), were invited to present the outcomes of their joint project on psychosocial risks in the construction industry during a panel discussion.
FIEC and EFBWW explained the specificities of the construction sector and presented some good practices that can be implemented on the worksites to reduce psychosocial risks.
MOBICCON-PRO project: A “Circular Journey”
Follow the MOBICCON-PRO project on LinkedIn to get an updated overview on its milestones.