“Circular Economy in Construction” workshop on 12 May
A workshop showcasing the results of a Horizon 2020 project on the reuse of steel structures will be hosted by the Belgian Construction Confederation in May. It will also be supported by ECCREDI (European Council for Construction Research Development and Innovation) and ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform). PROGRESS is coming to an end and the programme will feature examples of best practice and solutions that can be applied more widely by the industry. The programme can be found by following the link below.
Greening of European Semester
Announced in the Green Deal and the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, the “greening” of the European Semester has become a reality. On 26 February, the European Commission issued its country reports assessing the macroeconomic policies of the EU Member States. For the first time, these reports now contain an explicit section on “Environmental Sustainability” where the Commission provides a state of play of policies already in place and still needed to reach sustainability targets. The Commission underlines the essential role construction plays in the renovation of buildings and the adaptation of infrastructure being central elements in the dedicated sections.
Commission launches campaign to tackle undeclared work
On 2nd March, the Commission launched the first European campaign for declared work. It will work hand in hand with the European Platform tackling undeclared work and the European Labour Authority. The initiative intends to raise awareness amongst workers, companies and policymakers that undeclared work does not pay off. It deprives workers of social protection, it distorts competition between businesses, and it leads to huge gaps in public finances.
(also see article below)
(also see article below)
LAST CALL! Conference “Tackling Undeclared Work in Construction”,
19&20 March, Zagreb
In the framework of the EU Construction Social Dialogue, FIEC and EFBWW are working on a joint project on “Tackling Undeclared Work in Construction” (TUWIC).
The final conference of this project will take place on 19 and 20 March in Zagreb, Croatia. There are a few places left!
On this occasion, initiatives undertaken in seven EU countries will be presented.
Also, this conference will be the starting point for our EU-wide sectoral prevention campaign, launched in parallel to the wider cross-sectoral campaign by the EU Platform against Undeclared Work.