“Posting of workers”: late compromise reached in EPSCO following last week’s vote in European Parliament
After a long day of talks yesterday, the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted a new compromise on the posting of workers. This followed a vote last week by the Employment Committee of the European Parliament, which adopted its own report on the revision of the posting of workers directive. After the validation of the vote in the European Parliament Plenary session, the issue can now go forward to trialogue negotiations during which the sticking points between the Council and the Parliament will be worked on.
While the European Parliament Committee adopted all compromise amendments, EPSCO pushed for some changes, including a reduction in the duration of posting.
FIEC joins campaign « More EU budget for transport – the best Investment Plan for Europe »
Last week, FIEC joined the coalition of stakeholders promoting a stronger budget for transport after 2020.
« Together with a number of other organisations involved in transport matters, FIEC believes that investing in transport, and in particular in the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), is crucial for Europe’s growth and jobs, » stressed FIEC President Jean-Louis Marchand. « This is why we advocate a stronger budget for the Connecting Europe Facility after 2020, with grants remaining the major component, » added Marchand.
Indeed, FIEC considers that there is a number of transport infrastructure projects which are vital for EU competitiveness but do not generate the necessary return on investment desired by private investors. They therefore require a strong commitment from the EU and national public authorities.
European Parliament event on Nature-Based-Solutions
On 6th November from 18:30 – 20:30 an event will be held in the European Parliament, entitled Nature-based Solutions for more sustainable and resilient societies. It will be co-hosted by five MEPs in partnership with the EU Presidencies Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria, the European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, European Regional Office. The registration link can be found below.
European Construction Sector Observatory
The European Construction Sector Observatory is an initiative developed under the Construction 2020 Strategy of the European Commission. It aims at helping the construction value chain to identify and therefore confront the economic and social challenges that impact the sector. It aims to inform European policymakers and industry stakeholders on the market conditions and policy developments through regular analysis and comparative assessments. The ECSO website provides access to a wide range of industry data and analysis, from evidence on how Member States are performing in relation to the five thematic objectives of the Construction 2020 Strategy, to insights on national policy developments, trends and experiences.