


FIEC actively involved in the European Experts Group on Electronic Procurement (EXEP)

On 1st February, Mrs. Sabine Ayraud (FNTP)  – who represents FIEC – took part in a meeting of the EXEP in Brussels. More specifically, FIEC is involved in a subgroup dedicated to the accreditation process of electronic procurement platforms.Without having the power to impose anything on Member States, experts are working on short guidelines presenting a series of necessary minimum requirements for e-procurement platform providers.The goal is to ensure minimum quality, security, functionality and interoperability of these platforms all over the EU. It is particularly necessary in countries where several platforms are available on the market. FIEC is working to ensure that the needs of contractors when using these platforms are met, namely easy and free access, confidentiality of the data, technical reliability, free hotline, etc.



Commission calls for progress on waste package

Following the publication of the Circular Economy Action Plan in December 2015, the Commission has assessed progress one year on.  In particular, it has called for an agreement from the co-legislators by the end of 2017.  The two main parts of the package that concern FIEC are the proposed Directives on Waste COM (2015) 595 and Landfill COM (2015) 594.  FIEC contacted the Rapporteur Simona Bonafè with remarks about both proposals in July 2016.

The Commission’s implementation report on the Circular Economy Action Plan emphasises the need for Ecodesign, including an extension to specific product requirements. These are covered in the Ecodesign Working Plan published with the Clean Energy Package in November 2016.  FIEC is currently preparing its position on this package and will comment specifically on Ecodesign.  The report also refers to the voluntary protocol on Construction and Demolition Waste, which was published in November 2016.  FIEC was involved in the development of this protocol.