First steps towards an EU Labour Authority?
On 16/5 the first meeting took place of the “Advisory Group” (AG) set up by the European Commission, with the aim of trying to establish swiftly the new European Labour Authority (ELA). The representatives of the Member States, EU Institutions, main EU Agencies concerned and the Social Partners, including FIEC, defined the role, the tasks and the indicative work programme of the AG. Some concerns were raised during the discussions regarding the added value of such an Authority. The ambitious intention of the European Commission is to try and ensure that the legislative process can be concluded by the end of 2018 so that the ELA could be operational, although probably not at full capacity, at the beginning of 2019. The EP appointed its Rapporteur, MEP J. Lenaers (NL-EPP), and a first discussion in the EMPL Committee wiil take place on 24/5. The next meeting of the Advisory Group should take place in October.