On May 10 the kick-off meeting was held online with the participation of PEDMEDE, partner of the NatureBuild project, on the knowledge of the professionals of the Construction Sector about green roofs in the urban environment.
The project is funded by the Spanish National Authority for Erasmus+ and aims to:
respond to the demand for a new construction process regarding green roofs
strengthen the employment capacity in the construction sector
contribute to the continuous upskilling & reskilling of professionals in the sector, coming from the European South, with new knowledge and practices in their professional activity.
The lead partner is the Spanish Construction Sector Education Institution Fundacion Laboral de la Construccion, while other Construction and Education Sector institutions from Portugal (Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia), Italy (Formedil & Ente Scuola Edile) and Spain (University of Valencia) are also involved.