GUPP – Upgrading skills for EU Greener Public Procurements in Construction Works
Identification of the project: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080421
Duration: 01/10/2020 – 30/11/2022 (26 months)
Budget: 260.570,00 €
Project Coordinator: France: Office de l’ Environnement de la Corse
Project Partners & Countries involved:
5 EU Countries through the involvement of 5 National Sectoral Social partners. In particular:
- France:Office de l’ Environnement de la Corse– Public Regional Body
- Ireland: LIT- LIMERICK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – Training and research Institute
- Greece: PEDMEDE – Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works, Employer’s Organization / MA YMEPERAA- MANAGING AUTHORITY OF OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME ‘TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURES, ENVIRONMENT and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’- National Public Body
- Slovenia:CCIS– Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Scope and Objectives:
EU countries face many obstacles in implementing GPP policies, ranging from lack of information, training, and knowledge for establishing criteria and standards eligible with GPP, along with inadequate capacity building of the PP workforce and limited knowledge transfer between practitioners and the educational sector.
In this context, the GUPP project anticipates to tackle the aforementioned challenges and needs through developing capacity building and increasing learning opportunities of the public procurement related staff and public and procurement authorities in implementing GPP that address green criteria and standards in construction works.
The project envisions to have overall impact on the construction sector, by responding to current, emerging and growing needs of the sector for accelerating transition to a resource efficient and circular economy, towards EU’s energy and environmental goals. In parallel, with view to the training system, the expected impact is to enhance the education’s sector capacity building towards meeting the abovementioned challenges by integrating innovative learning tools and resources and facilitating the supply of high quality learning opportunities for adults, through making available flexible learning offers tailored to their learning needs.
Project Results
The GUPP project foresees to meet the following results and outputs:
- Green Handbook: An instrument on GPP Regulatory Framework and Practice
- Development of the GUPP capacity building program, aiming to provide participants with up-to-date knowledge and advanced aspects of GPP in construction works.
- Development of the GUPP Web Platform, aiming to create an online hub for Green procurement that will serve as an innovative e-training and e-learning tool.
- Engagement with GPP in construction works, including piloting and delivery of training in the participating countries, as well as analyzing the lessons learned and producing policy recommendations on Greener Public Procurement.
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