Project name: Green Circle – Micro-credentials in the Construction Sector
Acronym: Green Circle
Programme: – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-FORWARD-LOT2
Agency: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Beginning: 01/12/2023 End: 30/11/2026
Duration: 36 months
Partnership: A total of 11 partners from 4 EU countries are involved in the “Green Circle” project (Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain).
- TecMinho (project coordinator) – Portugal
- ACP – Active Citizens Partnership – Greece
- Aransa Construcción y Obra Civil, S.A.U. – Spain
- Casais – Engenharia e Construção, S.A. – Portugal
- CICCOPN – Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas do Norte – Portugal
- Democritus University of Thrace – Greece
- PEDMEDE – Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works – Greece
- Pontydysgu SL – Spain
- UNIR – Universidad Internacional de La Rioja – Spain
- BnB-Bauindustrieverband Niedersachesen-Bremen – Germany
- VBB Nord e.V.- BAU-ABC Rostrup – Germany
Environmental change is a key driver for labour demand and skills supply across all sectors, and the climate crisis has a particularly strong impact on the construction industry. This results in a need for new skills, competences and knowledge in the workforce to achieve a green transition in construction.
Within this context, the aim of Green Circle is to identify, develop, test and assess the use of micro-credentials in the construction sector to achieve a green transition, while demonstrating the potential for mainstreaming and transfer to other sectors. In addressing this aim Green Circle does not simply offer a collection of learning resources. The work carried out shows how a rigorous description of job profiles, learning needs, learning opportunities, and the relationships between them can, with appropriate technological support, facilitate the emergence of an ecosystem based on micro-credentials, and linking skills providers, employees, potential entrants to the workforce, and employers.
The project will produce a set of resources to support the development of micro-credentials for the construction sector, but will be of value to other sectors. They include:
(a) a systematic review of existing provision of short courses and micro-credentials in the construction sector;
(b) a framework for the implementation of micro-credentials;
(c) a catalogue of skills for the green transition in the construction sector;
(d) micro-credential principles and open design methodology;
(e) guidelines for new forms of assessment.
These outputs are applied in the development of 8 micro-credentials for the construction sector, evaluated in pilots in Germany, Greece, Portugal and Spain.
The outcome of the work will be a sustainable model for micro-credentials in green transition skills in the construction sector, which can support the growth of a micro-credential based ecosystem in construction and across the economy.
1. to promote the use of microcredentials ecosystem for green skills in the construction industry
2. To develop a sustainable model for Green Skills micro-credentialing in the construction sector.
3. Develop a technology and quality assurance model to support an ecosystem.
4. To pilot the ecosystem and the micro-credentials it facilitates, within construction occupations related to the green transition.
5. To maximise the impact of the project through a series of face to face and online dissemination activities.
- Report with analysis of a Green Skills micro-credentialing ecosystem
- Report for a sustainable model for Green Skills micro-credentialing in Construction sector
- Report with Analysis of Microcredential provision and quality assurance for a Green Skills micro credentialing ecosystem in Construction sector
- 8 educational modules (2 in each country) related to green skills development in construction sector in the form of Open Educational Resources
- Report on Pilot testing
- Practical guide for implementation/replication of the Green Circle micro-credentialing process